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Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь - representative


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Перевод с английского языка representative на русский

см. congressman
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См. в других словарях

  1. образец, типичный представитель the mole is the sole British representative of the family —- крот - единственный представитель этого семейства в Англии 2. представитель, делегат, уполномоченный representatives of the press —- представители прессы diplomatic representative —- дипломатический представитель representatives at a convention —- делегаты съезда Japan's representative to the U.N. —- представитель Японии в ООН 3. (R.) ам. член палаты представителей House of Representatives —- палата представителей R. from Pennsylvania —- член палаты представителей от штата Пенсильвания 4. юр. наследник по праву представления 5. представляющий, изображающий; символизирующий books representative of pastoral life —- книги, изображающие сельскую жизнь representative fraction —- топ. численный масштаб representative scale —- топ. линейный масштаб 6. представительный, создающий представление о чем-л. a representative selection of Elizabethan plays —- сборник пьес елизаветинской эпохи, охватывающий широкий круг авторов a representative collection of modern art —- собрание картин, дающих представление о современном искусстве 7. спец. репрезентативный representative opinion poll —- репрезентативный опрос общественного мнения 8. характерный, показательный, типичный representative plant —- типовой завод representative run —- показательный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) представитель; делегат; уполномоченный  2) образец, типичный представитель  3) (Representative) amer. член палаты представителей; House of Representatives - палата представителей Syn: agent, delegate, deputy, proxy, substitute  2. adj.  1) характерный, показательный  2) представляющий, изображающий; символизирующий  3) polit. представительный ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (типичный) представитель; репрезентативный, показательный, характерный, типичный – living representative ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) представитель, делегат, уполномоченный 2) образец, типичный представитель 3) член палаты представителей (в США) • - authorized representative - business representative - claims representative - commercial representative - diplomatic representative - elected representative - employee representative - exclusive representative - government representative - legal representative - social representative - trade representative Syn: agent, deputy 2. прил. 1) характерный, типичный 2) показательный 3) представляющий - representative money Syn: characteristic, typical, specific, special, peculiar REPRESENTATIVE сущ. 1) общ. представитель, делегат, уполномоченный а)(лицо, представляющее чьи-либо интересы, действующее по поручению, от имени кого-либо) See: account representative sales representative б) юр., амер. (согласно определению Единообразного торгового кодекса США, в понятие "представитель" входят: агент, официальное лицо корпорации или ассоциации и доверительный собственник, судебный исполнитель или управляющий имуществом, или иное лицо, уполномоченное действовать от имени другого) See: Uniform Commercial Code corporation 2) общ. образец, типичный представитель Syn: specimen 3) пол. член палаты представителей (в США) REPRESENTATIVE представитель; представляющий; характерный – to be representative of applicant's ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) показательный 2) представитель 3) представительный 4) представляющий 5) репрезентант 6) репрезентативный 7) типичный 8) характерный method of representative sample — метод репрезентативной выборки representative representing function — представляющая функция - canonical representative - flat representative - spectral representative - translational representative ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  представитель field representative responsible representative of the contractor ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  представитель - field representative ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 typical of a class or category. 2 containing typical specimens of all or many classes (a representative sample). 3 a consisting of elected deputies etc. b based on the representation of a nation etc. by such deputies (representative government). 4 (foll. by of) serving as a portrayal or symbol of (representative of their attitude to work). 5 that presents or can present ideas to the mind (imagination is a representative faculty). --n. 1 (foll. by of) a sample, specimen, or typical embodiment or analogue of. 2 a the agent of a person or society. b a commercial traveller. 3 a delegate; a substitute. 4 a deputy in a representative assembly. 5 (of art) representational. Derivatives representatively adv. representativeness n. Etymology: ME f. OF representatif -ive or med.L repraesentativus (as REPRESENT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. serving to represent  2.  a. standing or acting for another especially through delegated authority  b. of, based on, or constituting a government in which the many are represented by persons chosen from among them usually by election  3. serving as a typical or characteristic example a ~ moviegoer  4. of or relating to representation or representationalism  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  • representativity noun  II. noun  Date: 1635  1. one that represents another or others: as  a.  (1) one that represents a constituency as a member of a legislative body  (2) a member of the house of ~s of the United States Congress or a state legislature  b. one that represents another as agent, deputy, substitute, or delegate usually being invested with the authority of the principal  c. one that represents a business organization  d. one that represents another as successor or heir  2. a typical example of a group, class, or quality ; specimen ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (representatives) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A representative is a person who has been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of another person or a group of people. ...trade union representatives... N-COUNT 2. A representative is a person whose job is to sell a company’s products or services, especially by travelling round and visiting other companies. (FORMAL) She had a stressful job as a sales representative. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. A representative group consists of a small number of people who have been chosen to make decisions on behalf of a larger group. The new head of state should be chosen by an 87 member representative council. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Someone who is typical of the group to which they belong can be described as representative. He was in no way representative of dog-trainers in general. ADJ: oft ADJ of n • representativeness ...a process designed to ensure the representativeness of the sample interviewed. N-UNCOUNT 5. In the United States, a Representative is a member of the House of Representatives, the less powerful of the two parts of Congress. N-COUNT 6. see also House of Representatives ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n a member of the House of Representatives, the Lower House of Congress in the United States representative ~1 adj 1 like other members of the same group; typical + of  (Are your opinions representative of the views of all the students?) 2 a representative system of government allows everyone to express their opinions by voting for representatives  (Change is needed if we are to have a fully representative democracy.) ~2 n 1 a person who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions for someone else + of  (an elected representative of the people) 2 Representative a member of the House of Representatives, the Lower House of Congress in the United States  (- see also sales representative) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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